European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA) strategic priorities for 2025

On 1 October 2024, ESMA published its strategic priorities for 2025: ESMA’s annual work programme.

The strategic priorities for this year build on the five-year ESMA strategy for 2023 to 2028, focusing on fulfilling ESMA’s mandates in legislation and expanding upon activities from 2023 and 2024.

ESMA’s 2025 strategic priorities are outlined are three strategic priorities and two thematic drivers:

Strategic priorities

  1. Effective Markets and Financial Stability
  2. Effective Supervision
  3. Retail Investor Protection

Thematic drivers

  • Sustainable Finance
  • Technological Innovation
  • Effective use of Data and ICT technologies

We summarise below the focus for 2025 for each of these areas.

Priority 1: Effective markets and financial stability

Effective markets objective:

  • Develop a comprehensive, balanced and effective single rulebook within the ESMA’s remit.
  • Enhance the EU Single Market in financial services to be more integrated, efficient, liquid and accessible, especially for small and medium sized enterprises to raise capital.
  • Advocate for global standards and foster cooperation and dialogue with international regulatory bodies

Financial stability objective:

  • Identify and analyse key risks and vulnerabilities within the entire EMSA remit to inform the public and guide regulatory and supervisory activities
  • Collaborate with EU and international bodies to ensure financial stability
  • Improve preparedness for potential financial market shocks and ensure close crises management cooperation with national competent authorities (NCAs).

Priority 2: Effective supervision

Promote common, effective, risk-based, data driven and outcome focussed supervisory and enforcement culture across EU supervisors.

Direct supervision objective:

  1. Provide timely and quality assessments of registration applications
  2. Ensure supervised entities adhere to sound corporate governance and regulatory requirements
  3. Identify key industry trends and supervisory risks to support data-driven, outcome focused supervision.
  4. Enhance supervisory efficiency by selecting the most effective tools
  5. Request timely remediation and enforce actions for regulatory breaches.

Supervisory convergence objectives:

  1. Align supervisory actions across the EU, focusing on high-priority risks (e.g., ESG disclosures, cyber resilience).
  2. Ensure consistency in supervisory practices using tools such as peer reviews, training, and supervisory handbooks.
  3. Prepare for new regulatory frameworks, including critical third-party providers under DORA (third-party risk management, DORA register).

Priority 3: Retail investor protection

  • Ensure consistent supervisory approaches by NCAs for investor protection, considering technological and sustainable finance developments
  • Facilitate effective supervision of cross-border activities
  • Contribute to a regulatory framework that protects retail investors in EU capital markets
  • Aid in developing a single rulebook for investment services, crowdfunding and crypto assets.
  • Engage with retail investors, providing clear, reliable and comparable information
  • Monitor and analyse retail investor trends and risks to ensure a safe investment environment.

Priority 4: Sustainable finance

  • Support the EU’s transition to a sustainable economy while ensuring market integrity, financial stability, and investor protection.
  • Promote the integration of sustainability factors in supervisory, convergence, risk assessment and regulatory activities
  • Maintain investor confidence in ESG investments by ensuring high-quality sustainability disclosures and addressing greenwashing risks
  • Monitor ESG market developments and climate risks, including through stress tests.

Priority 5: Technological innovation

  • Adapt to digitalisation in financial markets by enhancing the single rulebook and promoting supervisory convergence
  • Ensure consistent implementation of InfoSec and cyber requirements under DORA and effectively launch the joint oversight regime of CTPPs by the ESAs
  • Enable data-driven supervision of crypto asset markets
  • Research and analyse the impact of digital innovation in financial markets
  • Foster regulatory and supervisory convergence for new financial activities and digital innovations within the EU and internationally
  • Identify emerging trends and risks that could impact investor protection and financial stability.

Priority 6: Effective Use of data and ICT Technologies

Aligns to the ESMA’s 2023-2028 data strategy:

  • Enhancing data usability and reducing compliance burdens
  • Build a centralised data hub for seamless supervisory data access
  • Prepare for the European Single Access Point (ESAP) which aims to centralise market data