Erik Barndt

Partner - Germany

Erik is a partner at Mazars in Germany and a chartered and tax accountant with more than 20 years’ experience. He has led many advisory projects on governance and internal controls, internal audit, compliance, fraud & investigation, data-assurance and financial audit in Germany and Switzerland.
He has also managed the audit of financial statements (HGB, IFRS, group accounts, etc.) and other audit projects like Compliance Management Systems or Risk Management Systems.
Erik has a deep knowledge of the insurance business, banking and asset management. And he knows very well the international standards IAS / IFRS and Solvency II legislations as well as the local regulatory context.
He is the Chairman of a pension fund’s board, a member of the German Association for Insurance Science (DVfvW) and the German Association for Occupational Pensions (aba) and lectures at the German Insurance Academy (DVA).

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