Alexandre Guchet

Partner - Paris

Alexandre is the Head of the actuarial and financial services practice. With 18 years of experience in the insurance sector, he has in-depth knowledge in actuarial valuation, financial reporting (Embedded Value, reserving, IFRS17), prudential reporting (Solvency 2), enterprise risk management (ORSA) and M&A. He is also an expert of pension issues such as scheme funding, risk transactions, de-risking, pension valuation and disclosure.
Alexandre has worked with most of the largest insurance groups in France, such as AXA, MAIF, COVEA, Groupama, and led the pension’s reviews for the audit of top industrial groups such Areva, Alstom, PSA or SNCF.
He is also strongly involved in the development of the French Institute of Actuaries as Qualified Actuary, former member of the Board of Directors of the French Institute of Actuaries from 2006 to 2010, and co-leader of the working group on ORSA.
He graduated from Polytechnique and the Paris Graduate School of Economics, Statistics and Finance (ENSAE).

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